The spring bloom is here and so too come the insects, especially the fleas, ticks, and mosquitos that can make you and your dog itchin' to stay inside. While most Veterinarians recommended safe tick collars and topical treatments to help prevent tick and flea, lice, and mosquito infestations in dogs’ they recognize that most chemical-based products contain permethrins, which can have negative effects on some dogs and many cats, That’s why many veterinarians turn to essential oils to provide a natural, non-toxic alternative for pet owners*.
Here are some great essential oils recipes to rid your home and your pet from fleas, ticks, mosquitos, and more:
Pet repellent Mists:
Mix 10 drops each of Peppermint, Palo Santo, Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass with 8 oz of water in a spray bottle. Mist over pet avoiding eyes.
Mix 7 drops Citronella, 5 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Geranium, 10 drops Myrrh in 8 oz Aloe Vera juice in a spray bottle. Spritz on your pet's coat daily for mosquito repellent. Avoid eyes.
15 drops Lavender, 15 drops cedarwood, 5 drops geranium, 5 drops Eucalyptus, 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 drop dish soap, and 8 oz water in a spray bottle for general bug deterrence.
Using these oils with coconut oil is a great rub that is sure to coat the fur lasting longer throughout the day. Simply add 2-5 drops of any combination of oils above with Coconut oil. Rub on areas of skin that have minimal hair where bugs might bite.
